Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Munster in Munsterland

The Westfälische Museum für Naturkunde is a fantastic natural history museum here in Münster.

Learning about how male animals dominate each other... 

Muenster is in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in western Germany.
North Rhine-Westphalia is making a concerted effort to encourage cities and communities to become bicycle friendly (fahrradfreundlich)

Münster Cathedral (St.-Paulus-Dom)
                                             Hall of Peace
The Peace Hall in Münster’s gothic town hall owes its name to the peace treaty between Spain and the Netherlands,the signing of the Peace of Westphalia(westfälische Frieden) was concluded here under solemn oath on 15 May 1648.
This ended the Thirty years' war! 

                                      Wiedertäufer Kirche
 In 1534, the Anabaptists(Christians of the Radical Reformation of 16th century Europe) Led by John of Leiden took power in the Münster Rebellion and founded a democratic proto-socialistic state. 

They claimed all property, burned all books except the Bible, and called it the "New Jerusalem". 
John of Leiden believed he would lead the elect from Münster to capture the entire world and purify it of evil with the sword in preparation for the Second coming of Christ and the beginning of the Millennium. They went so far as to require all citizens to be naked as preparation for the Second Coming. Their power lasted for one year only  when the town was recaptured in 1535.

the Anabaptists were tortured to death, their corpses were exhibited in metal baskets (Seen above)(often confused as cages), which can still be seen hanging on the Tower of St.Lambert's steeple 

Münster faces...

They sure got my attention! Way to spread the message.

                                                              Münster Aasee

A single "love lock" by the Aasee

Proud Brother Fabi, showing off Brother Flo's latest construction projects on the Aasee. 
Not to shabby Flo! Keep up the super work!!!!

Tunnel art along the Aasee

Reunion- Fränges,Dinges & Fips

Papagei "Lucy"
 She is the locals favorite and can be found around town being pushed on a cart with wheels and making car engine noises.
She finally gave me a kiss!
Sweet pea, I found your sister in Germany!!!
"I wish you well my friends,until we meet agin..." 
Night on the Aasee. 
schöner Abend.

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