Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Beautiful Ailefroide

Arriving just in time for our dear friend Thomas's birthday
It is amazing to have met Thomas in San Diego while he was studying for the last 2.5 years
 and now reuniting with him in his home, France. We will miss him in the states
but know we will meet again on the rocks, beaches or fields of lavender. 

Hey Bruder FloBro!
Thinking of you! 

                                                            Chalet Hotel Ailefroide 
Ailefroide's charming Hotel
Friends of Thomas & family  are the owners
and have have kept the spirit of Ailefroide alive 

Rusty spokes alive in France! Proudly worn by Thomas's dad.

Fresh French Trout from the Torrent  

Chalet Hotel Ailefroide -
Engilberg Family-Grandfather(above in the photo) Father and son.

Beauty everywhere 

bridging over the torrent. Weeeeee!

Bridging over Ailefroide 

Ailefroide through the eyes of Mr. Thomas 

Sweet mountain water 

The Torrents 

Morning Acro sessions

Our new friends and camp neighbors. India(dog) & Nicola 

Gearing up for our climb 

Rope management 


This is why I love to climb...look at that beauty

Thomas making it look easy.

Fabi, looking majestic...per usual 

We made it!!!! Epic accent 

Groundhog sanctuary 

whats that...?

a very hungry groundhog makes an easy photo opportunity 

A perfect companion for our Jezzy bunny?

Face off

wild flowers

Our hike to Glacier Blanc.


Carrying Love

Stone heart (for Uschi mama)

Truly amazing, collaborative campfire music sharing 

Thomas:percussion, Fabi: freestyle 

Local honey from near Ailefroide,
a wonderful gift from Thomas's lovely parents.

                                                           Raclette Cheese
is a semi-firm, cow's milk cheese –  based on heating the cheese and scraping off the melted part.

Fabi scraping off the melted cheese.
We were so lucky so share a few highly enjoyable and delicious
evenings with Thomas and his family! 

Thomas & Family

Merci (thank you), ça fait un rêve (It's been a dream)
See you in New Zealand! 

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys :) I hope Amsterdam was epic and that your recordings are going great!!
