Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wolkenkrazter = Frankfurt am


The 5th largest city in Germany
Chris and Anna's lovely apartment 

Gazing out on to what use to be Old Franfurt center.

1st annual street fair in old town. 

It is common to see book exchanges on the corner of the streets.
Give a book,take a book. 

Chris & Anna

Enjoying Ice cream 

The original opera house in Frankfurt is now the Alte Oper, a concert hall and former opera houseIt was inaugurated in 1880 but destroyed by bombs in 1944. It was rebuilt, slowly, in the 1970s, opening again in 1981.

The citizens of Frankfurt, who had to finance the structure (initial estimate two million marks ), were skeptical at first and so reads the inscription on the frieze( banner)
                  "Dem Wahren, Schönen, Guten", ("To the true, the beautiful, the good")
                                       The folkloristic Frankfurt poet Adolf Stoltze wrote:
Dem Wahre, Scheene, Gute, die Berjerschaft muß blute. (To the true, the beautiful, the good, the citizenry must bleed.)

Frankfurt's skyline,high-rise buildings & Skyscrapers (WolkenKratzer).
 Frankfurt is one of only a few cities in the European Union that have such a skyline. Because of the city's skyline, Germans sometimes refer to Frankfurt as "Mainhattan"

It is home to the European Central Bank,
 Deutsche BundesbankFrankfurt Stock Exchange and several large commercial banks.

Cliche but soo true!!!

Germany and its famous brot (bread)

The Römer is a medieval building in the Altstadt of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and one of the city's most important landmarks
Delightful group from France 

Un, deux, trois...

Walking through town is always an eye candy experience!
I'm in love !

The city's real name is Frankfurt-am-Main. "am" means "on"
and "Main" is the name of the river. 
                                  love lock or love padlock is a padlock which sweethearts lock to a bridge, fence, gate, or similar public fixture to symbolize their love.

sweethearts' names or initials are inscribed on the padlock, and its key is thrown away to symbolize unbreakable love. 
The history of love padlocks dates back at least 100 years
to a melancholy Serbian tale of W
old War 1, with an attribution for the bridge
 Ljubavi ( Bridge of Love
 A local schoolmistress named Nada, who was from Vrnjačka Banja, fell in love with a Serbian officer named Relja. After they committed to each other Relja went to war in Greece where he fell in love with a local woman from Corfu.
As a consequence, Relja and Nada broke off their engagement. Nada never recovered from that devastating blow, and after some time she died due to heartbreak from her unfortunate love. As young women from 
 Vrnjačka Banja wanted to protect their own loves, they started writing down their names, with the names of their loved ones, on padlocks and affixing them to the railings of the bridge where Nada and Relja used to meet.


Paddle boarding on the "Main"



Schweizer platz

Frankfurt by evening 

A little shlagar musik 

Chris & Anna win the prize for best breakfast prepared for us. 

Wonderful hosts! 

Morning inspiration...

       brutzeln, brutzeln(sizzle,sizzle) 

zum See (to the Lake)

Chris & Fabi
Ciao for now Frankfurt!

On our way to Karlsruhe through a storm and rainbow

Sturm! (storm)

And then this golden beauty!
"I can see clearly now the rain has gone"... 

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