Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bierbauer & Fränges's Stolz

Hallo my dears,
Soo much has passed in the last 3 days! I will try my best to fill you in. I hope you are all enjoying your summer!                                                                                                            June,18 2014

Today we met up with our awesome friend Fränges. He is one of Fabi's old friends from high school who he spent a lot of time with. Franges is very passionate about nature and he loves to hunt and stroll through the forest. One of his friends recently shot a male deer and asked Franges to do the honor of skinning and preparing the meat. So we took a ride to his friends farm to pick up the deer and  along the way we found ourselves at the "Bierbauer's" farm 
(which is german for beer farmer).  

 The "Bierbauer" facility also distributes beer for personal and commercial use along with their livestock,

Here you can see a Wheat Field on the farm.
Famers here grow their own corn/wheat for feed for their livestock

The wheat/corn is finely shaved and fermented.
It is stored for may months before given to the livestock.
"Mmmm mmmooooogood" says the "kuh"(cow)

Entrance to the old distillery. Original facade. 

Old distillery that was first operated in 1875
still with some of its original parts.

Due to EU regulations the distillery had to stop its production in 2012.
Since then German customs  issued government seals on all equipment
to guarantee no further (illegal) production. They still pay a visit every

Reminisce of the last alcohol production. 
Your looking at 180 proof! 

Dingas & Fränges 
 Bernd"Buur"(which is dialect for "Farmer")

This barrier used to mark the old boarder between Germany & the Netherlands
the actual boarder is right around the corner and no longer requires a boarder checkpoint. The new boarder is now called "Grüne Grenze " (Green boarder) Farmer Buur bought from the city years ago.

He now creates his hand crafted Alcohol 35% with this label "Grenztropfen" on it. He proudly gifted us  a bottle for our journey.
Another awesome "Chillino" member joins the family! Prost!

Fränges's  Stolz

Fränges believes in sustainable hunting methods 
and is a great opponent of mass produced meat.  

Thank you for bringing awareness to all whom you meet Fräges!
I believe the more we know and understand the process of how
 we come to acquire the things we consume,the more conscious 
we will become of our habits and life style choices. 

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