June,18 21014
Today we spent the day at BAHIA, a dream Sauna and water resort Fabi's parents frequent weekly.
With 10 different saunas, from swiss herbs,jasmine,rose, a tree house...pools,resting rooms,cafe,steam room,ponds & foot baths...one can easily get use to this lifestyle! Not to mention the incredible health benefits.
In Europe the Nordic countries have a sauna tradition. The Finnish sauna is well established, there are built-in-saunas in almost every house in Finland.The oldest known saunas in Finland were made from pits dug in a slope in the ground and primarily used as dwellings in winter. The sauna featured a fireplace where stones were heated to a high temperature. Water was thrown over the hot stones to produce steam and to give a sensation of increased heat. This would raise the apparent temperature so high that people could take off their clothes. The first Finnish saunas are what nowadays are called savusaunas, or smoke saunas.These differed from present-day saunas in that they were heated by heating a pile of rocks called kiuas by burning large amounts of wood about 6 to 8 hours, and then letting the smoke out before enjoying the löyly, or sauna heat. A properly heated "savusauna" gives heat up to 12 hours. It was required that all who were visiting the sauna must be nude.Being the free spirit that I am, as you can imagine,I was delighted to be freeeeee! Bob Helstrom, I know you can relate ; D
Thank you Uschi & Heinz for sharing your "Schöne Leben" The good life with us.
Stainless steel pools at their finest
Underwater camera= creative poses...
Fabi sporting his California Farmer/Climbing tan. |
Go FABI! Aiming high per usual
Beautiful "Saunalandschaft" Uschimama enjoying her "Zen" to the fullest
Saunalandschaft BAHIA
Fabi & Ushima in Baum Sauna (Tree sauna)
one of Bahia's latest additions with a spectacular view.
Beautiful inside & outside showers everywhere to rise and repeat ; DFish ponds and wood fired sauna's everywhere
"Maa" sauna- Underground Sauna= Hot hot hot!!!!!
Rose sauna - such a great fragrance when heated - we would have loved to have stayed longer than 15 min but... dripping of rose scented sweat...it was time for a cooling salt shower. Ooo la la
Lunch-time with Weizenbier und Radler - griechischer Salat und Pommes spezial - yumm yumm
Well, let me put there on my bucket list! Very impressive!!